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GMP Compliant and Kosher Certified

        NP Nutra  strives to ensure all of our ingredients are GMP compliant and Kosher certified.
        Our most popular Kosher certified products include Acai, Acerola, Chlorella, Coconut,
        Mangosteen, Maqui, Pomegranate, Spirulina and Wheatgrass.

        Supporting Organic & non-GMO

        Organic farming has many benefits such as supporting consumer health, promoting
        sustainability, and preserving original plant species and natural biodiversity. Additionally,
        by law all certified organic ingredients are automatically non-GMO. We remain committed
        to sourcing certified organic ingredients, and audits by our Quality Assurance team include
        traceability verification by mock recall, which traces raw materials and verifies organic soil.
        Check out our Nutra Organics product line, containing more than 75 ingredients.

        Supporting Sustainable Practices

        By supporting and encouraging sustainable practices at all stages of the supply chain, NP
        Nutra  recognizes our role of environmental stewardship to fulfill our responsibilities to our
        farmers, workers, consumers and planet. We work closely with our manufacturing partners to
        verify traceability and ensure that sustainable growing and harvesting practices are used.

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